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The toys/premiums are the key part of the Surprise(r) drink and the reason why children loves that. Due to that we pay a big attention on development of the toys for Surprise(r) projects. Important is for us not only the aspect that kids must love it but also safety of the toys. Whereas are all series of toys thoroughly tested and certified by before launching them on the market as a part of Surprise(R) drink.

example of 3D figurines

example of sets of other kind of toys
(tattoos, pendants, plastick stickers)

TOYS TESTED according domestic legislation

TOYS TESTED according Disney's guideline


TOYS are being produced at Disney approved plants

Information concerning concrete premiums for each Surprise(R) drink are available at the section concerning product presentation (What is hot now !)

Copyright © SURPRISE DRINKS a.s.
©2008–2011, MARFreklamní agentura a grafické studio