The story behind: Disney Fairies is a Disney franchise built around the character of Tinker Bell, whom Disney adapted in their 1953 animated film Peter Pan and subsequently adopted as a mascot for the company. In addition to the fictional fairy character created by J. M. Barrie, the franchise introduces many new characters, and expands substantially upon the limited information the author gave about the fairies and their home of Never Land. The fairies generally reside in the Home Tree, a towering tree located in the heart of Pixie Hollow in Never Land. Various groups of fairies work and live nearby as well. Most of the fairy characters are young and female, but older and male characters are also included. The males are sometimes referred to as "sparrow men", though the term "fairies" is used to refer to both female and male characters. Each fairy has a specific talent that they perform and a distinct personality, intended for young girls to each relate to a fairy with a similar personality.
The franchise Disney Fairies is linked not only to film series about also Novels (Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg - New York Times bestseller, Fairy Haven and the Quest for the Wand, Fairies and the Quest for Never Land), Chapter books (The Trouble with Tink ~ by Kiki Thorpe, Vidia and the Fairy Crown ~ by Laura Driscoll, Beck and the Great Berry Battle ~ by Laura Driscoll, Fairy Haven and the Quest for the Wand ~ by Gail Carson Levine, Lily's Pesky Plant ~ by Kirsten Larsen, Rani in the Mermaid Lagoon ~ by Lisa Papademetriou, Fairies and the Quest for Never Land ~ by Gail Carson Levine, Fira and the Full Moon ~ by Gail Herman, A Masterpiece for Bess ~ by Lara Bergen.), Reading books (The Great Fairy Race, A Fairy Tale, A Game of Hide-and-Seek, Tink's Treasure Hunt, Beck's Bunny Secret), Disney Fairies Magazine etc.